Friday 25 March 2011

At the end.....

Rain followed to Cape Town! Alas…… so only tiny bronzing for me but rest in the Cape… sun appeared for my last two days though!

Last trauma meeting pleasure to meet President Trauma Society/Clinical head of trauma and transplant surgery Elmin Steyn what a lovely lady!! Very informative and knowledgeable, very lucky to have spent time with these trauma leads in SA. I also was shown around the Vincent Pallotti trauma/emergency unit and met the manager. J 

So 7 weeks later….

2 cities- Cape Town and JHB
9 hospitals private and government
4 airports
4 heli pads
1 response car
5 ambulances
Many prehospital shifts
Many more clinical hospital shifts
1 blogg
114 photos
£1000 on car hire
£400 on airtime
Signed numerous disclaimers on my life
9 meetings with SA trauma and medical leads
68 destinations into my GPS… and only 4 times dummy out of mouth in getting lost.. okay perhaps 5 J!

I recommend if you would like the clinical and cultural experience…. you have to come here! You need 3 prerequisites as stated by the infamous Prof K:
1) Thick skin
2) Sense of humour
3) Good personality
That man is always right…. You will then have a rewarding adventure!

Many thanks to the Professors, trauma leaders, EMSSA/ENSSA, Trauma Society, GS Hospital, Bara Hospital, Private Mediclinic, Net.Care, Stellenbosch Uni, Wits Uni, prehospital- western cape metro, Gauteng- heli, ER 24 ……and to all those who put up with me, looked out for me and the wonderful friends I have made and relationships strengthen ….. I am very sad to leave, very sad….!!!!! L

South Africa is beautiful and very moving, it encompasses all of the aspirations of the people to seek progress and improvement- with hope in its heart despite the challenges. I have had the pleasure to experience the real life of South Africans condemned to suffer extraordinary violence and disfigurement and disease, whilst the country itself is a beautiful landscape and offers great promise. You work hard at life here, but the rewards are endless, the South Africans love their country very patriotic and will fight for their rights, liberty and power. I have the up most respect for all here…. Be heard as you have to expel a voice here. It kind of reflects my own values.

The paper now needs to be written for journals international and UK …. Presentations carried out UK and SA- recommendations and experiences passed for others to learn.

I have learnt personally, spiritually and professionally I wish to pass this on sharing and growing, with international collaborative working for the nursing profession and the benefits of patients worldwide.

And so the travelling ups and downs, idiosyncratic moments, challenges, pushing the boundaries of the self, the achievements, the inspirations…

But most of all my humility has been augmented……

Homeward bound……. Not ready to leave… L

Who knows what will come of this….

I certainly will be back that’s booked already….

The journey hasn’t ended its only beginning……. J J

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