Saturday 19 March 2011

Lasts days at Bara trauma unit

Prehospital- house fire,  father and triplets all died, mother watched after trying to pull them all out.

Just got in and missed a emergency room thorocotomy! Gutted! I’ve seen all other text book conditions now… that was left!

Haemothorax secondary to stab…. Unstable dropping BP despite fluids and bloods… for theatre. Another ICD!

Paediatric PVA
Another adult PVA…. Immediate tube and full resus as airway severely compromised.  

Burn patient from petrol fire fully conscious... full facial burns, swollen eyes/face, singed nasal hairs, soot.... rightly so we intubated immediately.

Pleased I saw Prof Frank P, amazing surgeon and man- the dedication and skill. Big hug from him his protégée he says…. Hardly that!!

The weather has been thunder and lightening with severe rain… its very scary driving in this weather while lightening is striking apparently its common to have fatales due to lightening here! 

The day I finished I drove back through Soweto township, found the poorest mama I could and gave her all my new polo t- shirts…… she was so happy J!!!

Special thanks to Prof Efraim K, the SAISAR team all flew off to Japan, all the SA medical and trauma expertise went! Good luck!

Prof K another incredible man….. nicest compliment from him too…. SMS  ‘Its been great having you, please come back soon and keep up your incredible drive and passion’….. J

JHB has been tough and I do not mean that SMS was so great to receive. JHB is so different from the Cape you cannot compare them……

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