Sunday 20 March 2011

JHB.... WILL and onwards

Now my car…. Firstly I have got a speeding fine and secondly when my hire car was delivered in JHB it was brand new … yes brand new. On returning huge dents which look like I have run someone over as red sand is splashed up the side…. I didn’t nor did I crash it!

I did go out and see Goldfish live... well done SA!

My flight from JHB... jeez its a confusing airport I had to pay a dude to direct me to the car rentals. Anyway as I boarded the flight as I was the last on because I let everyone else get on first?! There then appeared to be no overhead bag storage, so the air stewardess preceded to march of with my bag, laptop and all- I did spit a small dummy out as I felt slightly uncomfortable about all my belongings taken off me after all I had survived JHB so far. My fears where somewhat confirmed 1 hour into the flight when I asked the girl for my bag... my bag please... where did you put it?.... silence then denial she took it for me... so I had to go through every overhead locker in the entire plane. As you can imagine after 45 locker heads later and lots of banging and redness from the air crew I finally found my bag.... incidentally the whole plane clamped with relief... probably because I didn't take their bag!! Note to all please...

Wow I am exhausted from JHB and worked so much but what an amazing experience…. the culture, history, violence, crime, the disregard for life, corruption, inequality, poverty, expectation, racism and classism- an anthology all living side by side. The differences are vast and I have understood why it is that way - culture heritage seasoned with a long history of apartheid and some politic drives- its all multifactoral! A stunning country full of contrasts embedded in a beautiful land.

Onward to Cape Town to rest, see the sun, table mountain and one more trauma meeting …. wonderland city at its been quoted, one of the most beautiful place’s in the world I believe. J

I would like to reflect on one of Nelson Mandela’s quotes;

“There are few misfortunes in the world that you cannot turn into a personal triumph if you have the iron will and the necessary skill’

That’s why I am here, how this adventure came about, in your darkest moments you can conquer and grow stronger but hey that’s another story!...

And it’s not over yet!......

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