Saturday 19 March 2011

Days at Bara trauma unit JHB.

Final days consist of the same conditions and injuries. Severe MVAs, PVAs and stabbings…. Full resus traumas!

One 6 year old girl… hit by car… again full trauma.

MVA- full trauma resus and gross # tibia compound segment.


Haemo’s all secondary to stabbings.

One agitated patient stabbed 4 times who had taken drugs.... unsure what though.. we put a ICD in 3 times as he kept pulling it out…. He also bit me!!!! As well as being difficult to manage he become severly bradycardic after he was given more morphine? The ICD was situated okay at 20 so it might have been the drug interaction?? In the end we sedation and tubed him then we had peace and haemodynamically resolved!

Severe assaults- all ventilated and tubed due to the gross injuries in a row in resus until CT or a bed was ready on the wards. All prognosis=  bad.

Lower threshold to tube patients here as tubed patients are looked after on the wards by all staff.

Patients waiting 16 hours plus to be seen in the trauma and surgical area. All have idiosyncratic infections, tumours and conditions which we would not put up with but these people have them for a long time before they seek treatment.

We found a diabetic patient unconscious in a cubicle BM 0.7… brought her into resus… well the reaction from the nursing staff as she wasn’t a trauma!!!!!!

The nursing communication is a challenge…… and the relationships here!!!!!!!!!! but I do understand why......

Saturday night bara….. 116 patients, 27 resuscitations and 12 tubed, 9 to theatre……………….

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