Saturday 12 March 2011

Bara, teaching and trauma

Last 2/7 I've been at Bara Trauma Unit, Thursday 8am EM reg teaching: intrapleural blocks, traumatic aortic dissections, triage sieve and sort, sepsis mediators and pathways and Mx of malignant hyperthermia and sux scholine apneoa to name some of the subjects discussed.

My UKISAR team is off to Japan, 2nd earthquake in over 2 weeks- sorry I cant go but good luck!

The rest of the shifts have been clinical- MVAs, severe assaults requiring ventilation.

One patient was brought in naked on a stretcher from the wrong side of the hospital ie back entrance which was strange?!…. he had GCS 3, unilateral blown pupil, bradycardic and beaten black and blue with rod marks anterior and posterior- poor prognosis eh….. now the story is this man was caught thieving (like so many) in the nurses accommodation…. So the students nurses beat him severely …. People do not mess with the student nurses!!!

Yesterday was so busy with surgical patients 18 waiting to be seen all been there since early morning still 10-12 hours later without being clerked, all so sick too. Every patient is so ill as they come in when they are at the sickest point as they have no medical aid, it really is sad and therefore more difficult to treat…

As trauma was fairly quiet for a Friday evening so far?... the trauma doctors helped out with the surgical, I clerked some patients and started treatments etc. The emergency side was heaving as usual… patients everywhere as trauma side lying on trolleys and off… tied to trolleys…. Awful smell and all with probable underlying TB.

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