Friday 25 February 2011

Last Day GSH

Well last shift at GSH....

The GSW from last night -shortly after we left his swelling increased ,sats dropped and his airway obstructed therefore needing a needle circoid then surgical airway, he was sedated as very agitated throughout even before his sats dropped. He finally went to ICU awaiting cardiothorax review 10.15 am he arrived the evening before at 17.30hrs.

The young 20 yr old MVA boy finally passed away at 6.15am in resus- family distraught, very sad.

There are so many community assaults mainly from the townships although it does not matter the colour of your skin or where you live, Ive heard so many horror stories- hi jacking, assaults- left for dead. People go missing, loved ones try to find them but they end up in hospital as unknown male or female with such bad injuries usually head injuries and unconscious. Today another young man came in looking for his cousin he was beaten so badly and died from a community assault- we informed him.. He was so shocked and had to go to the mortuary to ID his cousin.

Again more community assaults- patients left with severe permanent brain injuries.

Today was fairly quiet apart from the above - lots of cleaning and restocking going on.

So last day... more sweets and thank you card to all! I have had such a great time and have learnt a lot, all the staff- nurses, doctors, even porters and security have been welcoming. The care I have been involved in has been excellent-clinical skills, patient management and team working even under what might seem a challenging environment.

Seemingly I have made a positive impact on them too.. with my clinical skills, approach, personality and communication. They have learnt from me and I have learnt from them! International collaborative clinical working- the perfect results achieved so pleased! Will kind of miss them all, what an enriching experience.

Just as I have now got use to GSH and the Cape.... off to Jburg for a new adventure and antics... what lies ahead?

The journey continues... :-)

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