Thursday 17 February 2011

Private Emergency/Trauma unit

16th Feb:

Spent the day at a Private Emergency/Trauma unit. Very nice hospital like our top private hospitals with full specialties- ICU, paeds, medical, surgical, orthos, plastic's and clinics. Very clean and so highly equipped - with every bit of equipment you could think of and excellent care for private patients. 3 doctors on duty and 3 nurses, seeing approx 1100 patients a month. With phlembotamists and full x-ray, CT and US reporting immediately.

It was a fairly quiet day and I saw mainly primary care/walk in type patients- no traumas today!

This is 1st class health care. SA has 1st and 3rd class- another paradox!

Interestingly- although I am aware SA does not have our traditional ENP roles. RNs at triage can not send patients to x-ray or give out analgesia under PGDs. As this is well established in the UK and I have set up in my ED, I can assist with these educational programmes with the nurse manager and nurse educator... international nurse networking and collaborative skills.

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