Tuesday 15 February 2011

meetings, metro, jazz

Yesterday morning I got into my sweat box of a car and went to meet Jean Augustyn at the Milnerton Mediclinc private trauma unit, Jean is a nurse educator for mediclinc and has also been invaluable in helping me, she is highly skilled and gave me so much information about SA nursing education both in the private and public sector- more of that in my final paper! I had a brief look around the private unit which I am working in this week, far cry from the government hospital. We went out to lunch where I picked Jean's brain, she is also the secretary of the ENSSA.

Earlier that morning I tried to find the Metro ambulance station in Pinelands driving in the wrong areas of SA... to no avail and sweating in my sweat box! However with some help I finally made it before the office closed... I went to sign papers so I can work with the paramedics for prehospital experience- I have been warned to be super careful as they go into gangland areas. Basically the papers I signed was a disclaimer stating I am responsible for my life and any loss of that life or injury is not the metro's responsibility... my own and I am going at my own risk. I said to the paramedic do you not want proof of who I am and registration... he answered ' no... even a terrorist can come out with us'. Awesome- I see you Thursday 7am then for a 12hrs shift!

That evening it was Becca's birthday a doctor out here working in HIV clinic which I work with at the Whitt so great shes out here- lovely gal! We went out to a Jazz bar- fab evening and people.

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