Thursday 17 February 2011

Metro EMS prehospital

Awesome day with the paramedics... 7am-7pm shift.

The crew were excellent- clinically and patient care. Good fun too...!

The type of patients we saw were mainly medical- DKA, chest pain, MI, diabetic coma, collapse, gastro. Quiet day by all accounts.

One stabbing- which I high fived as it came over the radio!! However it was not a major stabbing- but about 9 SA police and detectives were there. Oh and one patient dead on arrival at scene- DOA.

We spent time transferring patients once stabilised from day units and home to hospitals- mainly GSH where I am working, the emergency side was so busy and over run today as usual. Patients on trolleys lay everywhere, sharing monitors, no curtains or privacy. The trolley mattresses where like paper and so old. Really not good conditions, the staff overrun and bed manager but accepting and will try to accommodate despite these poor resources. As I know the staff now they are especially friendly- even hugs and warm exchanges. The resources and conditions are poor to us, but nearly all of the staff do there very best and are welcoming under the stress.

Very interesting going into different homes and different states of poverty.

Ive discovered drivers in SA do NOT move for blue light ambulances at all!

Overall great experience- as I really like prehospital. Again made great contacts to keep in touch with.

I was hoping to get hard core edgy trauma but I can go out again and I will spend time with the EMS on Jburg .

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